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"A sound bath journey here is truly magical. Masterfully playing perfectly toned and blessed crystal bowls, gongs and divine instrumentation, Joey transforms a space with sound, waking up every cell of your body and harmonizing your being and the space around you. I experienced feeling completely connected to the deepest parts of myself and the oneness and perfection of life. It was bliss. I highly recommend exploring the transcendental experience of sound medicine at Tulum Sound Temple."

"Joey is a talented and generous Healer, most definitely guided by the Divine. 

Thank you for this otherworldly experience. "

"A beautiful setting, an amazing experience, and a loving soul guiding you. Please, treat yourself to time with Joey, it is powerful and lovely."

"Possibly the most magical experience I have ever treated myself to."

"Our private couple's session was an amazing experience. There are no words to describe how powerful and special it was. The experience at your sanctuary was the most major impact on our experience in Tulum--- it pierced my soul. We appreciate you more than words."

"Buenos dias hermosa angelita en la tierra. 

Dear Joey, I just want to thank you for the amazing ceremony, for your magic and also for the love we felt. It was such an honor to experience this soul journey with you."

"Hola Joey.

I want to express my gratitude to you for last night's journey. I was really blown away. Not only by the ceremony but the space, the people, the quality of everything. It's something really curated and I was beyond impressed. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Hello my Love,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, from the deepest depths. I feel so much appreciation and so much love for you and really your magical space helped me to go so much deeper into my purpose, into who I am. I am still integrating today. I probably will be for the next few days...

I just wanted to send a personal message filled with love and appreciation. 

You are so beautiful, so loveable and so magical. Thank you."

"I just wanted to thank you again for the amazing experience we had in your beautiful home, words can't describe how much of an out of this world experience that was.

We are all in awe and still processing the wonderful journey. I am so grateful and thankful that we were able to experience this and connect with you. 

Thank you so much for allowing us to come to your home--- we all felt the love. This truly was one of the best experiences I have ever had."

"Sending love to you--- thank you for your divine light. We are forever in connection, beautiful sound weaver. My spirit soars higher today because of you. Sending you infinite blessings."

"One of the most out-of-this-world, one-of-a-kind energy healing, sound bath experiences I have done. We spent the afternoon relaxing deep in the jungle and sinking into heart space. The ancient cave oasis and private cenote was magical. There are no words. The tropical rain rolled in as we started the sound journey and the beautiful sounds of nature and crystal tones washed over us. So much love for this incredible experience."

"Our couple's journey was an intense and bonding experience for us. Our hands joined, rose quartz crystals surrounding us, rose essence misting our faces and our bodies next to each other in sacred space. We have journeyed into many different soundscapes separately, but together, in this magical space, feeling each other's vibrations and emotions resonating to the angelic harmonies surrounding us resulted in a very special twin flame, soul journey together. A truly beautiful, heart expanding experience."

"I don't know how to describe our experience.  We are blown away. 

We very much appreciate you letting us into your home and your unique space. 

We are forever thankful and feel infinitely blessed by this incredible, soul filled day. "

"Thank you for channeling divinity as an open circuit so that calcified emotional trauma could be fragmented and etherized. I feel amazingly light and joyous today. This was pure magic."

"Pure magic.

It was a concert for my body and my soul. 

Between the sounds and the vibrations, the effects were profound."

"Another layer of healing has lifted. Message of forgiveness came to me. Beautiful sounds and channeling. 

Thank you so much. I was a skeptic and am pleasantly surprised. I literally felt everything release from my body. Pure bliss. Pure connection."

"You are a true Goddess!

So extremely kind and attentive, not only to the space and working with our arrangements but the sound bath experience itself is a truly unique and magical experience-- a journey of the soul. I had no idea what to expect and now I have no words to describe it. 

It does not go unnoticed that you give consideration and concern to each guest --and you do everything you can to ensure that everyone has an exceptional experience. 

From the presentation to the magical journey. It is something none of us will never forget. Thank you."

"Joey is an alchemist of sound and vibration. I was fortunate enough to have a couple's session amidst her vast collection of singing bowls, chimes, gongs and her other sacred tools.

The setting allows sound bathers to receive and integrate vibrations in an intensely subjective way, on both a conscious and subconscious level. No matter how you felt before you enter this sacred space, you cross the threshold, and it changes you. 

If you are attuned on any level, she will open a cosmic portal."

"I am not the same person I was before I arrived. 

What a beautiful experience. You have a light and a gift to touch the souls of guests who cross you path. 

Thank you for sharing this gift."

"I discovered a vibrational dimension I never knew existed. 

Thank you for providing your light to help me connect with love, the energy of my angels, and my spiritual support system for much needed, deep inner healing. "

"First, we met a glowing goddess who emerged from the jungle in white. 

Then we entered an etheric jungle sanctuary that blew us away. 

From tea and crystals in the teahouse to walking jungle pathways, touring an ancient and otherworldly cave and crystalline cenote, listening to birds, monkeys and being chased by butterflies.

We didn't think it could get any better and then we arrived in the sound temple. 

What an incredibly beautiful and sacred space! Being cocooned for a floating sound bath was an unexpected gift. This was a vibrational concert directly from her heart to ours.

No other sound bath will ever be the same. So much gratitude for this experience."

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